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Zagreb Film Festival
16. - 21. Listopad 2006

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 45 93 692
385 1 45 93 691


Presentation of the magazine Up & Underground
Magazine for art, theory and activism

In this issue, Up & Underground presents a series of essays and interviews by and with Croatian and foreign authors, artists, theoreticians and activists from the independent cultural scene…

Hannah Arendt (Educational Crisis),
Gilles Deleuze (Letter to Serge Daney: optimism, pessimism, travel),
Bernard Harbaš (Learn to Live with Ghosts),
Brian Holmes (Beyond Sight Thousands of Main Players),
Ivana Keser (Delirious media),
Dalibor Martinis (Interview),
Virgil Miahaiu (Jazz Against Totalitarian Regimes),
Aleksandar Mijatović (Withheld Profanation),
Goran Sergej Pristaš (Interview),
Jacques Ranciere (Deployment of Sensual – aesthetics and politics),
Film Mutations (Jonathan Rosenbaum, Adrian Martin, Kent Jones, Alexander Horvath, Nicole Brener, Raymond Bellour),
Erik Swyngedouw (Exit Site – creation of 'local' urban contemporaries),
Bernard Tschumi (Architecture and Transgression).

Screening of Ursula Biemann and Chantal Akerman’s films
Along with the promotion of the latest issue of the magazine Up & Underground there will be a screening of recent works by Ursula Biemann and Chantal Akerman.

Chantal Akerman, ‘Là-bas’, video documentary, 2006, 78'
A view invoked from the static position of fixed camera in the author’s room in Tel Aviv, her temporary residence, which poses questions of geopolitical content, but also more intimate questions of author’s affiliation and self-determination, and underlines her ever present esthetic and critical engagement through a deconstructivist relation to the image.
Chantal Akerman (1950), the Belgian cineaste residing in Paris has been creating her specific experimental style since the ‘70s both in feature and documentary films. Some of her most significant works are; 'Jeanne Dielman, '23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles' (1975), ‘Stories from America’ (1988), the travel trilogy: ‘East’ (1993), ‘South’ (1999), ‘On the other side’ (2003).

Ursula Biemann & Angela Sanders, ‘Europlex’, video, 2003, 20'

Ursula Biemann, ‘Contained Mobility’, two-channeled video installation/projection, 2004, 21'
Through pamphlet engagement fed on the American activist video from the ‘80s and the European school of film essayism, the Swiss theoretician and visual artist, Ursula Biemann, critically articulates gender constructions and migration regulations in examples from everyday life of post-urban zones of the South European border with Africa (‘Europlex’) and global policies of surveillance after September 11 (‘Contained Movement’).

Ursula Biemann (1955), the visual artist, theoretician and professor at the Academy in Geneva and Zurich residing in Zurich, is the author of numerous activist video works, such as ‘Performing the Border’ (1999), ‘Dossiers Black Sea’ (2003-2005), but also the books ‘Been there and back to nowhere: Gender in Transnational Spaces’ and ‘Geography and the Politics of Mobility’.

Both Biemann and Akerman build their strategies of resistance, both visual which contemplates strategies of screening and what is being screened, and the one related to geographical determinations. In her works Biemann shows trans-local existences and witnesses policies of mobility and containment in technological legal and ideological sense, but witnesses also forms of resistance and surmounting thereof, while Akerman decides to speak about similar subjects from her experience as a subject.

Nominees on EFA


Debutant made a cult film


Special screenings at ZFF


Checkers has started


Supporting festival joys
next 5

Resolute Moments Galery


Presentation of “Up&Underground”

Presentation of “My First Movie”

Presentation of Sony's HD Camera

Presentation of Cinelink


Presentation of books ”Katane, lignje i bradavice” and ”Povratak Žutog Titla”

Video clips of famous directors