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Zagreb Film Festival
16. - 21. Listopad 2006

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 45 93 692
385 1 45 93 691


DECro01 - program

The program of Digital Exchange Croatia, the satellite event dedicated to digital technologies and new media in arts, illustration, animation and film, is finally available. The program will be divided in two parts: morning workshops and afternoon presentations and panels. It will be held by a dozen of international and some Croatian panelists.
Nicholas Da Silva from San Francisco, founder of the famous animation community website FlashTV ( will speak about the Internet as a media for film distribution and showcasing. Thomas Glyn, webmaster and programmer from San Francisco, will hold three-day worshops about programming of interactivity, games and 3D. On October 9th and 10th animators and artists involved in project "Croatian Tales" will do workshops about animated film and Flash technology, and on October 9th in the evening they will make a panel about this unique project, moderated by Jurica Pavicic, one of the most prominent Croatian film critics, and Helena Bulaja, project editor in chief. Confirmed panelists are Laurence Arcadias (France), Sabina Hahn (USA), Ellen McAuslan (UK), Al Keddie (UK), Nathan Jurevicius (Australia), Christian Biegai (Germany) and Petar Grimani (Croatia). At the presentation we will also screen two new films from "Croatian Tales" project, "Fisherman Plunk", directed by Laurence Arcadias and "Yagor", made by New York based studio ArtByMobile, authored by Mirek Nisenbaum and Sabina Hahn.

Christian Biegai, German composer of film music who worked with famous composer Michael Nyman, and Zvonimir Dusper Dus, Croatian DJ, composer and producer of electronic music, will hold a panel on digital technologies in creation of music. Finally, we will se a presentation of local brainpower, few exceptional examples of internationally successful Croatian Web studios ā€“ Split-based studio Rootylicious (Vinko Pelicariæ and Mile Modic), and Ratko Gregor Jagodic (Studiokiosk).

DECro will be held in MM Centre in Studentski Centar in Zagreb, Savska 25. All workshops, panels and presentations are open to the general public and the admittance is free.
Povratak na početnu stranicu
DECro01 - program


Ska reggae country


Opening night screenings


Frederic Beigbeder at ZFF


SeĆ²or Coconut in Mochvara
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Selected by: Hrvojka Begović and Milan Bajić


Thursday , October 19th | cinematographer: Dinka Radonić, editor: Andrija Gvozdić Michl


Exclusive: unedited footage of Belinda Bedeković's performance!!


Wednesday, October 18th | cinematographer: Dinka Radonić, editor: Andrija Gvozdić Michl


Tuesday , October 17th | cinematographer: Dinka Radonić, editor: Andrija Gvozdić Michl
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