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Zagreb Film Festival
16. - 21. Listopad 2006

SC - Savska 25
10000 Zagreb

385 1 45 93 692
385 1 45 93 691


Interview: Marija Škaričić

The fourth Zagreb Film Festival will open with a premier screening of the film 'Das Fräulein' by Andrea Štaka. The main roles of the winner of Locarno Film Festival and Sarajevo Film Festival belong to Mirjana Karanović, Ljubica Jović and Marija Škaričić. The film presents a Swiss restaurant where the destinies of a Serbian, a Croatian and a Bosnian woman intertwine. The Bosnian is played by Marija Škaričić, who has told us something about the film, the colleague actresses and the atmosphere on the set.

How did your collaboration with Andrea Štaka on the film 'Das Fräulein' come about?

I was invited to the casting, passed it and went to Belgrade to rehearse with Andrea and Mirjana Karanović. At the first meeting I had a feeling that it was a good story and that Andrea and I were connected by similar interests and views of life. I liked the way we discussed the script and I really wished to play the role. Still, Andrea decided to take another actress. I was sorry, but soon I forgot about it. A few months after that, they called me anyway and I was shocked by the question if I was still interested for the role. I packed and within two days arrived to the shooting in Zürich.

The director is a woman, the producer is a woman, in the main roles are women. Is there any crucial difference from the work on, so to say, a mainly male film set?

There is a difference. Female energy is different from the male on, and that's the fact. Women are by their nature more intuitive and sensitive, and they have a different approach and interests. However, what is important is whether you work with a director who knows what she/he wants, who feels the subject of the film and whether you both believe each other.

How was it working with Mirjana Karanović?

Beautiful. Mirjana is a great actress and a special person. She is very direct, strong and honest woman. She gave me a great support and respect. I learned a lot from her, primarily the fact that some things can be very simple. I begin to believe that being simple is the key that opens many doors, and I am prone to complicating anything I do.

What do you look for in the roles you take? What challenges do you wish for?

I like to read a script which really shows a segment of life. I like to feel that the subject and the atmosphere offer something authentic, something worth telling. It is the same with role. I am interested to realize the role as realistic as possible, I want it to be a person who can be imagined in the world around us, which is a rather big demand. I think that I have just begun understanding some things and that I have a lot to learn.

Recently, we have witnessed some extraordinary roles of your colleagues. Can you tell us your favorite actors you like to watch or the favorite colleagues you would like to work with?

Krešo Mikić, Leon Lučev, Bojan Navojec, Daria Lorenci, Zrinka Cvitešić, Olga Pakalović, Dražen Šivak, Franjo Dijak, Rakan Rushaidat, Jelena Lopatić, Jerko Marčić, Bruna Bebić…
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Selected by: Hrvojka Begović and Milan Bajić


Thursday , October 19th | cinematographer: Dinka Radonić, editor: Andrija Gvozdić Michl


Exclusive: unedited footage of Belinda Bedeković's performance!!


Wednesday, October 18th | cinematographer: Dinka Radonić, editor: Andrija Gvozdić Michl


Tuesday , October 17th | cinematographer: Dinka Radonić, editor: Andrija Gvozdić Michl
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